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Library Book Searching

Books for City Children

 We are delighted to announce our new initiative ‘Books for City Children’ with a message from our Patron Sir Michael Morpurgo

Children need books.

And none more so than children attending schools who struggle to buy books for their libraries or indeed their classrooms.

The 'Screen Your Story' competition was set up in 2014 to encourage children from all backgrounds to put down their iPhones, turn off their laptops and put their imaginations to the test and write a story which had the chance of being published or even made into a short film . Now we wish to broaden the scope of the competition.

With the help of the Schools Libraries Association, 'Screen Your Story' will donate £200 books to those schools who enter our competition and meet the Association's criteria of need for books.The Schools Libraries Association will be the final arbiter of need. I hope you will see this as the vital project it is and support it in any way you can.

Love to all book lovers,

Sir Michael Morpurgo

Patron 'Screen Your Story'

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